Feedr Academy Launching And Seminar Event - excellence.asia

Feedr Academy Launching And Seminar Event

How To Survive And Success In Digital Transformation Era

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  • Course Location

    Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan

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  • Course Address

    Aston of Kuningan Suites, Jalan Setiabudi Utara, Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan

  • Course Date & Time

    25 January 2018 09:00

Course Description

Course Summary

*Feedr Academy , The Most Professional Digital & e-Commerce Academy in this country, invited you to one day Seminar*

*How to Survive and Success in Digital Transformation Era*


Big Challenge is ahead of us. According to Forbes, 21 big retailers are closing 3,591 stores in USA in 2017, further more Gartner predicts that by 2020, 75 percent of businesses will transform to digital — or at least be prepared for the change. Unfortunately, only 30 percent of those attempts will be successful, it adds. Business and IT leaders must be ready and willing to innovate rapidly from a business model, business process and technology perspective. The goal instead not to change human with digital, but to find out where digital and analog can each contribute most to give best possible outcome.
In this seminar, Feedr Academy will help to provide roadmap for different sizes of businesses in Indonesia to realize digital transition to get big opportunities in the digital era.

 Sesi dan Pembicara:

Session 1:
*3 Generation Business Transformation


Speaker: Subiakto Priosoedarsono
Branding Expert

Yesterday’s skills aren’t enough to survive today’s digital transformation. With more than 47 years of experience in Branding and Advertising, Subiakto witnessed big major transition in 3 different eras, from print to rise of television and radio, and now all of us witnessed the rise of internet and e-commerce. This session will provide you with deep knowledge on what we need to do to face the transition successfully.

Keahlian yang kita miliki di masa lalu, tidak cukup untuk bertahan dalam gejolak transformasi digital hari ini. Banyak bisnis yang tidak bisa bertahan karena tidak mampu mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 47 tahun dalam Branding and Advertising, Pak Subiakto telah menjadi saksi hidup transisi besar yang terjadi dalam 3 era yang berbeda, mulai dari jaman media cetak hingga televisi dan radio merajai komunikasi, dan sekarang kita semua menyaksikan gelombang besar internet dan e-commerce. Sesi ini akan memberi Anda pengetahuan mendalam tentang apa yang perlu kita lakukan untuk menghadapi transisi ini dengan sukses dengan sukses.

 Session 2:
*End to End solution for digital transformation*

Speaker: Hadi Kuncoro
Senior Advisor - Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of Republic of Bahasa Indonesia

 2017 marks one of the biggest transition in many sector, retailers now forces to change their retail store concept into “experience store”. Other business forced to change their approach. Hadi Kuncoro will give you A to Z Solution on how to transform from conventional business to digital business and integrate best of both world between human and digital tools.

 Tahun 2017 menandai salah satu transisi terbesar di banyak sektor, para pelaku retail sekarang memaksa untuk mengubah konsep toko ritel mereka menjadi "experience store". Berbagai jenis bisnis lainnya pun terpaksa mengubah pendekatan mereka untuk menyesuaikan dengan kondisi terkini. Hadi Kuncoro akan memberi Anda Solusi A to Z tentang bagaimana mengubah bisnis konvensional menjadi bisnis digital dan mengintegrasikan yang terbaik dari kedua dunia antara alat manusia dan teknologi digital.

 Session 3:
*Creating The Best Omni Channel

Experience to the Customer*

Speaker: Muliadi Jeo
Omnichannel Technology Expert

 It’s not enough just to create an apps for our business and let the customer figure things out in this maze of transition. We need to know how to choose and ensure best customer experience across multiple digital platforms like mobile, web, tablet, smartwatch, by telephone or in a bricks and mortar store. What distinguishes the omnichannel customer experience from the multichannel customer experience is that there is true integration between channels on the back end.

 Sekedar membuat app dan berharap pelanggan langsung berpindah ke dalam mindset digital tidaklah cukup. Justru pelanggan dan semua stakeholder lainnya akan kebingungan di tengah banyaknya pilihan di era digital ini. Kita perlu tahu bagaimana memilih dan memastikan pengalaman pelanggan yang terbaik di beberapa platform digital seperti mobile, web, tablet, smartwatch, bahkan melalui telepon di toko yang mempunya wujud fisik. Di sesi ini anda akan mendapatkan cara utk membangun pengalaman pelanggan omnichannel dengan membangun integrasi digital yang menyeluruh antara seluruh channel penjualan dan distribusi kita baik online maupun offline.

 Session 4:
*Change Management and Innovation Mindset

in The Era of Disruption*

Panel Discussion with All Feedr.id Co-Founder
Hadi Kuncoro, Subiakto Priosoedarsono, Riyeke Ustadiyanto and Budi Handoko

Welcome to the era when our business environment is characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (often referred to as the “VUCA world”). Change management and innovation is key in creating success in this situation. In implementing change management we need to focus on how we implement these strategies, especially when factor in the social dimension, management dimension and physical dimension of strategic change implementation. At the same time an organization have to invest in people with big dreams and nurture them to succeed in the company endeavour to drive innovation. In this session the panel will bring some example on which organization succeed in creating innovation and also learn from other organization that failed to deliver innovation as their core value.

Selamat datang di era ketika lingkungan bisnis kita ditandai oleh perubahan serba cepat, ketidakpastian, kompleksitas dan kebingungan. Perubahan manajemen dan inovasi adalah kunci dalam menciptakan kesuksesan dalam situasi ini. Dalam menerapkan manajemen perubahan kita perlu fokus pada bagaimana kita menerapkan strategi ini, terutama dengan mengintegrasikan faktor dimensi sosial, dimensi manajemen dan dimensi fisik dari perubahan strategis. Pada saat yang sama, sebuah organisasi harus berinvestasi pada orang-orang dengan impian besar dan memeliharanya agar berhasil dalam usaha perusahaan untuk mendorong inovasi. Pada sesi ini panel akan membawa beberapa contoh dimana organisasi berhasil menciptakan inovasi dan juga belajar dari organisasi lain yang gagal memberikan inovasi sebagai nilai inti mereka.

Seminar akan diselenggarakan pada :

Hari       : Thursday, 25 Januari 2018
Waktu   : Pukul 09:00-17.00 WIB
               *Jam 8.30 diharapkan sudah berada di lokasi untuk registrasi ulang.
Tempat :Aston of Kuningan Suites

Jln. Setiabudi Utara - Jakarta.

Cara mendaftar :

Reply pesan ini, untuk mendapatkan detail dan info pendaftaran lebih lanjut
Iefa Jathmika* 081281359070
Visit website http://feedr.id/event

Sampai Jumpa .....
*Iefa Jathmika, Imunika Team

Maximum Participant

50 Participants

Course Language


Course Core Competencies

Strategic Perspective

At the end of this course, participants will be able to…

Survive and Success in Digital Transformation Era

Who should take this course? Who should not?

All Business Owners, C-Levels, Division Head, General Manager, Secretary to CEO, Manager, Supervisor, and Entrepreneurs, from Small and Medium Enterprise upto Large Corporation in Indonesia

What participants will need to know or do before joining this course?

Just bring your self and happy the event, meals included. The presentation will be given days after the event exclusively

Course Methods

Workshop, Lecture, Case Study

Course Content

    Day 1
  • Lecture 1

    Three Generation Business Transformation Journet
  • Lecture 2

    End to End Solution for Digital Transformation
  • Lecture 3

    Creating Best Omni Channel Experience to the Customer
  • Lecture 4

    Change Management and Innovation Mindset in the Era of Disruption

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